Frequently Asked Questions

When is the official launch of the Business Network Directory?

We are in Soft Launch Mode. We will be adding New Website Features each week for the next 52 weeks. Sign up for your 6-month free trial now, because we are only offering that special for a limited time. Lock in your free trial today.

How does the Business Directory work?

It is required that United States Businesses must attest that over 60% Labor in the United States to Join this Business Network Directory. If you have less than 60% United States Parts and Products you can be in the Business Directory, but must desire to find United States Alternatives.

What if my company fits into more than one category?

As a United States Business, you can add up to 3 different website business categories in this directory. We will soon have over a dozen websites, of which you can read ALL of them, but will only be able to POST on the 3 websites that fit your industry.

What is the You Power™ Network doing for privacy?

You Power™ Powers Your Privacy. We do NOT share information with tracking pixels from social networks, ad networks, or third-party analytics. We have firewalls in place to help block Non-United States Internet traffic. We do not take, or share, any Personal Consumer Data.

How do the You Power™ Business Directory rankings work?

The rankings are based on the percentage of United States labor, and parts & products Made in the USA. Businesses with 100 percent made in the USA are listed first, then 90% to 99% percent is sorted next. After that, the 80% to 89% percent business are sorted, then 70% to 79%, and 60% to 69%.

How do I get started?

Sign up your United States Business today for a 6-month free trial. No payment is required until after completion of the 6-month trial, then it is just $10 per month thereafter. Get this offer while it lasts.