Two people shaking hands with sunset and American flag in background.

Create job postings for customer service and administrative jobs at your United States business.

4 construction workers looking over a clip board of papers.

Find candidates in the United States by marketing industrial or commercial job openings for your company.

Two adults with a child walking in a park.

List telecommuting job openings for United States workers.

People holding small American Flags in the sky

Use the You Power™ business directory to promote your manufactured products and goods in the United States.

The You Power™ Network

United States Based Business Services

You Power™ the United States Supply Chain, Manufacturing and the Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”).

Why do we send so many United States Dollars overseas when we can create jobs, parts and products MADE in the USA to generate new wealth to bring down our National Debt?

This is an opportunity for United States Businesses to work together helping raise our GDP to save our economy, and our Country, from the soaring debt.

You Power™ Your United States Personal Business Page

Your Daily Business Page Benefits

One Easy Page All for You, Without Advertising or Tracking.

- 10 POSTS

- 10 JOBS - Find Employees

- 10 PARTS - List Parts to Sell, or that You Need

- 10 SERVICES - List Services You Provide, or that You Need

- 10 PRODUCTS - List Products You Sell, or that You Need

- 10 EXCHANGES - List Items You Would Like to Exchange - Example: a Forklift for a 3D Printer

- 10 WISHES - List Items You Need if Anyone Can Help - Example: Hurricane Ida Affected Businesses

All for just $10 a month.

Six Months Free for a Limited Time



Business Owners and Management Only. No 3rd Party Social Networkers allowed.

Easy to Use, so YOU do not Lose Control of Your Businesses Page management.

"UNITED STATES ONLY" Business Profile Pages to Alert Your Companies Wants and Needs.

Other United States Businesses can see your Businesses wants and needs.

Consumers can find Jobs, Products, Parts, and Services in the United States.

Everything on Your Business Profile Page, stays on your page, or links to Your Website.

Every Business is treated equally under the same simple rules.

We believe in privacy and will not share your data.

We will not take your customers data.

We will not use third party trackers.

YOU POWER™ Business Directory Pages are ALL Publicly Available Business Data. is a U.S. Based Business Directory

COMING SOON - The You Power™ Business Directory is unlike anything currently available. Our goal is to promote Services, Products, and Parts Made in the United States. We can grow United States Businesses by promoting both Business to Business and Business to Consumer relations. If you have a United Business with at least 60% United States Labor, you can be listed in this directory. Every Business in the directory works together to create new United States supply chains to replace overseas sources with United States alternatives. Alternative solutions will be created to fill the current United States supply voids in turn raising the GDP.™ Provides Remote Job Listings for U.S. Based Employers™ is a source for Job Listings for United States Businesses looking to increase their productivity by hiring United States workers to work remotely. Together we can help United States Businesses grow while helping to get people off unemployment and back to work. You Power™ United States Telecommuting. for Industrial and Heavy Commercial United States Business Services

United States Industrial Job Postings, Parts, Products and Services.

Example Industries; Factories, Mining, Infrastructure, Energy, Freight and Supply Chain.

We Will Not Share or Sell Your Data.

We Do Not take Consumer Data.

We Do Not link away Your Customers you send to your page. Provides United States Job Listings, Parts, Products and Services for Offices and Executives.

United States Businesses post jobs, and apprenticeships, for Office Workers and Management Positions. Find Office Products that are Made in the USA. Skip buying overseas and grow the United States GDP. Update Office™ is here to help You Power™ United States Businesses. is Your Resource for Creating Ideas on Near Free Energy™

Accessing™ is part of the You Power™ Private Business Network of sites.

You Power™ Business Network members can discuss “Near Free Energy Solutions” for their Businesses and Development of these solutions in the United States.

Why “Near Free Energy”? Because there is no such thing as “Free Energy” as there is a Cost to the Device or Medium that “Accesses the Energy”, and to the Component that it Powers.

You Power™ the United States with Technological Advancements…